BTA will no longer accept passes from the Token Transit app after April 12
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Limited Bus Service on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve
BTA will be ending the use of ConnectCards - switching to RideBTA cards or app.
BTA introduces new fare collection app and website
BTA celebrates 35th anniversary
Base fare will increase by 25 cents starting July 1 2024
Jeep Festival Service Alerts for June 7th
Proposed local base fare increase
Route 2/4 Lyndora stops will be impacted by road closures
BTA ConnectCards will no longer be sold by PRT in Pittsburgh
Route 5 Saturday to become part of regular BTA schedule.
Commuter Routes 1 and 2 Northbound Time Adjustments
BTA will provide bus service to free health clinic on Saturday November 11th at the Butler Intermediate High School
MV hiring Automotive Mechanic
Thanksgiving food drive to benefit BC3's Pioneer Pantry
PA Master Plan Older Adults Transportation
Route 5 to run on Saturday as a trial through December 30, 2023
BTA thanks its loyal riders
Special savings on the local and commuter bus services the whole month of April
Please thank your driver on Transit Driver Appreciation Day March 18th
Tell us what you think. Take the Transportation Survey
Safe bus riding tips for the winter season
Thanksgiving Food Drive to benefit St. Vincent de Paul
Y108 will be giving away 8 Man Jam Tickets
Commuter Passenger Wait Area Opening
BTA welcomes the public to an open house for its new facility addition
Stop changes due to Italian Festival
Bus Terminal to fully reopen on June 6th
Seniors can obtain an updated connectcard
Pullman Square Commuter Parking Lot to change locations 1.3.2022
RFP for Fixed Route and Maintenance Related Services
Stuff the Bus and Christmas Parade are coming up!
Commuter Service Update
Local Butler service resumes full service Monday through Friday. Saturdays to return to normal service on November 6th.
Route 5 service alert
Local Route 2/4 Update
Statement from BTA and MV Transportation
Local Routes 1 & 3 Partial Service Resuming 9-28
Local Service Not in Operation
Commuter Route 1 will not be in service beginning 9/21
Commuter Route 4 not in service
BC3 stop to be relocated during construction
Butler Bus Terminal pickup and drop off changes during Road Race
Morton Avenue Detour Information
Bus Service Alerts During Bantam Jeep Parade and Invasion
No bus service on Memorial Day
Butler Transit Authority's new facility expansion updates
Commuter Route 3 to Resume Service on Friday 4/23/21
Armco Drive will be used instead of Bessemer Avenue starting March.
Coronavirus Transit Updates
Transportation Survey
On March 2nd, the Commuter Route 4 afternoon schedule will change.
Commuter Winter and Spring Promotion - Third full week of each month January - May is free.
All commuter buses have been outfitted with drop down tire chains for winter road conditions.
There will be limited service on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. No Service on Christmas Day or New Year's Day.
BTA is conducting a customer satisfaction survey.
BTA's retired bus was used for fire school training
Week 3 of May, June, July and August is FREE on BTA commuter routes.
BTA now stops at the AHN Cancer Center on Hollywood Drive.
BTA celebrates milestones including: 30 years of service, new CNG buses and new CNG station.
ERP Software System RFP
BTA's commuter bus stops in Pittsburgh will be changing on January 28th.
Slight modifications to local Routes 2/4, 3 and 5 to begin December 3, 2018.
Commuters ride Route 3, 4 or 5 Free on December 4th and 5th.
BTA's Natural Gas RFP
The parking spaces and pick up location for the Pullman Square park and ride are being moved.
BTA held a ribbon cutting ceremony for its new bus terminal on New Castle Street
Commuters now have a mobile ticketing option to pay their bus fare.
Route 68 Commuter afternoon run times have been updated.
BTA's Butler Terminal will move as of October 1st. All routes will be affected.
BTA will hold a public hearing on August 30th for route modifications due to the downtown terminal moving.
Ride BTA's commuter service to the North Shore and then use the Free light rail to get downtown Pittsburgh.
Read the June Transit Savings Report to find out how much Pittsburgh area commuters are saving by commuting.
BTA now offers free WIFI and bus tracker technology on all its commuter buses.