The Butler Transit Authority will hold a public hearing Thursday, August 30th to receive public comments regarding proposed modification of bus service on local Butler bus routes.
The hearing will be held from 3:00-4:00 PM in the conference room of the Butler Transit Authority Administration Building located at 130 Hollywood Drive, Suite 101, Butler, PA 16001.
Individuals not able to attend the meeting can review a list of the proposed changes at the Authority’s website, www.butlertransit.com or by contacting the Authority at the above address. Information is also available at the bus terminal at 113 East Cunningham Street. Written comments regarding the changes will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on September 5, 2018. All written comments should be mailed to 130 Hollywood Drive, Suite 101, Butler, PA 16001. All written comments will be reviewed and taken into consideration by staff and the Transit Authority board of directors before final decisions are made regarding the proposed service changes.
Description of Proposed Service Modification:
Significant re-routing of all routes to accommodate new terminal location at 128 West New Castle Street. With the exception of the Highfield area, all stops will still be serviced or moved within a reasonable distance by one or more routes. Draft schedules of the proposed modification can be found at the downtown bus terminal or at www.butlertransit.com.
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